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Potatoes With Lemon and Oregano
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Potatoes With Lemon and Oregano

Preparation 20 mins
Cook 1 hr 30 mins
Serves  4-6


  • 1kg potatoes, peeled and rinsed
  • 3-4 tbsp olive oil
  • Juice of one large lemon (you can add more depending on what you will be serving the potatoes with)
  • Water
  • 1 heaped tsp dried oregano


Step 1
Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Step 2
Halve the potatoes length ways then cut each half into two or three gondolas, depending on the size of your potatoes. Spread them onto a non-stick oven proof dish.

Step 3
Splash the lemon juice and olive oil over the potatoes, and sprinkle salt and pepper generously.

Step 4
Crush the oregano between your fingers, letting it fall over the potatoes.

Step 5
Turn the potatoes to coat them well with everything. Dribble the water down the sides of the dish to about ¼ inch high and give it a shuffle.

Step 6
Roast for about 1 ½ hours until the potatoes are tender, melting and a bit golden here and there, with still a bit of sauce in the dish. You will need to turn and baste them every 20 minutes or so.

Step 7
Serve hot and add more salt and pepper to taste.



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